Tuesday 12 February 2019

Opt for Recycled Timber Melbourne for a Green Future


The process of timber recycling is making usable products out of waste timber. This practice is mostly popular in New Zealand and Australia where the supply of old timber structures is in abundance. Recycling timber or wood in general is an amazing and convenient way of giving back to Mother Nature.  We basically take recycled timber in Melbourne that has been discarded and bring it to some use or the other so it does not go to complete waste and a new wood item may not be procured for which a living tree had to be cut down. This practice gained popularity in the late twentieth century as a result of deforestation and global warming as it prompted wood suppliers and consumers to turn to an environmentally friendly way.

The concept of recycled timber can be a little confusing because one does not clearly understand what construes as the name suggests. To break it down, it refers to old cut down trees, which were not used but were cut down due to deforestation. Another part of recycled timber is old wood structures like floorboards, cabinetry or anything which are no more in use. Recycled timber can be used in countless ways throughout the house or commercially. In the house it can be used as floorboards, posts, and can be used on the deck as well.  Basically any use that any piece of wood has in our homes, recycled wood can take its place but it has to be something sturdy and functional. Recycled timber is excellent for structural support and can be used in new and old buildings alike. 

While buying wood, one must keep in mind the repercussions that the environment has to face first hand. It is first the environment that faces the consequences of our actions and then life comes full circle and it is us facing the brunt of our own actions. Big businesses and industries cut down whole forests in order to make room for housing schemes, parking lots, malls and what not. Humans have been encroaching the wild in order to make their life more easy and comfortable. In this capitalist world, the effects of one’s actions in the long run are not seen. Diminishing wildlife is nothing compared to the increase in monetary profits of the businessman.

While shopping or looking for wood to use in one’s new home or renovated, consider using old timber. It is understandable that one may ignorantly think that old timber or recycled timber is not strong or sturdy enough to withhold extensions, floorboards, cabinetry or posts, but the truth is quite the opposite. Old timber is just as steady and strong if not more than “green timber” (freshly cut timber). It is up to the consumers to make the conscientious decision to opt for recycled products and not new ones. One may also think that using old wood may look worn down or not aesthetically pleasing, but if the work is done right and enough effort put, recycled timber in Melbourne can look as good as new. It is tiny steps like these that will make our future a better one and habitable for the future human generations.


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