Friday 14 June 2019

Considering buying stock trailer in Sydney? Here are a few tips


It is fairly common knowledge that to transport live animals from one place to another, a vehicle or structure with strong structural integrity and strength is required. While moving relatively small animals like sheep and goats might be easy in other trailers, however, you do need strong and sturdy stock trailers in Sydney to transport bigger animals like cows and horses. The weight of the animals is going to be huge so you need to pick a trailer that is strong yet made of lightweight materials. If you add heavy live animals on an already heavy trailer, it will be increasingly hard for a normal vehicle to haul the trailer. You will consume more fuel and the engine may cease as well.

A durable trailer is important as you can think of it as a one-time investment. Trailers that are lightweight but are not durable are fairly common in the market. By only using it for a few times you will have to perform repairs and maintenance on them which is not a hassle to worry about when you buy a good quality trailer from the get go. One day you can take your horses to the farm or the market and the next you can easily take the trailer out to take the sheep or other cattle to the market. The only thing in between that you have to do is to clean the trailer and that is it.

One thing to keep in mind when buying a trailer for live animals is that it needs to be made in a way so the animals do not feel closed or cramped in it. This can mean that you use a mesh like covering for the covering, like a cage. Keep heed of the fact that the cage mesh should not be too tight or too loose. A cage too tight may make the animals feel caged in, making them agitated and aggressive toward others in the trailer. A too loose cage will enable them to stick their mouth and heads out of it. This may not seem like a problem but they may actually bump their heads or mouth against a car coming on too fast and near. The possibilities are endless and you get the gist.

A good quality stock trailers in Sydney goes for as less $8000 and as much as $70-80,000. The former price point includes a basic 12 foot trailer whereas the latter includes living quarters with is as well. The higher the price point you go with, you will be able to add more features to your trailer. If you cannot spare the $8K for a new trailer, it is completely fine if you buy a second hand trailer too.

Ask a friend or family member for recommendations as to where you could get a good quality trailer from. If it works out, great, but if it does not, it is now time to hit the internet. There are many websites that sell second trailers but you need to be wary and sceptical. Some service providers sell stolen trailers and you definitely want to check the list of ownership of the trailer before making the purchase. If you finalize a trailer, bring out someone who is an expert in trailers and have them look at it for inspection. Only after a thorough inspection should you make the purchase. While this may be easy on the budget, we will advise to buy a new one as it will last you longer too.


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