Tuesday 19 September 2017

Foam Rollers and Their Benefits for Low Back Pain

The technological revolution has drastically changed our lives. We have become obsessed with this virtual reality. A major amount of our daily time is spent using different electronic devices. While using these devices we are often sitting in very unnatural postures for a long period of time, putting an excruciating strain on our lower back. Which is why unfortunately many of us are suffering from low back pain.

One of the best ways to prevent our back bone is to use low back pain foam roller. Using low back pain foam roller keeps your back muscles healthy by circulating freshly oxygenated blood through them. Foam rolling can increase flexibility and range of motion. It helps to diminish back aches and pains. It heals your body. These foam rollers not only provide relief from back pain but it can be used for its recreational purposes.

Why use a foam roller?

Foam rolling exercises can help athletes by enhancing their overall performance. It can help you strengthen your core muscles. It can be used to alter one's physique. Foam rolling can help release tension from sore muscles, it can help to rehabilitate patients. Foam rolling can help you transition from an everyday Joe to a strong individual. Many physicians and chiropractors are recommending foam rollers as an alternative to manually adjusting vertebrae with the help of physical maneuvers.

How to use a foam roller properly?

A foam roller can transform and heal your lower back within days by using these simple and really easy exercises. You do not have to be an expert or a trained physician to use Low back pain foam rollers. There are several kinds of foam rollers available in the market, you can even get one online. Once you have the low back pain foam roller all you have to do is rolling, stretching and spans. Place the low back pain foam roller under the affected area and roll back and forth for few seconds. For stretching, place the foam roller on the surface and compress a spot then stretch the muscle to increase flexibility and improve your agility. While using a foam roller if you hit a tender area instead of rolling just gently wave the area side to side on the roller to release build up tension in your muscles, this process is also called spans. Taking rest and breathing properly with in sets can largely improve your results. Be gentle and relax properly after the exercise. Be consistent and use the foam roller on regular basis, not only when it aches.
It is recommended that you use low back pain foam roller three to four times a week as prevention is better than cure.

Low back pain Foam rollers are readily available online and in stores, they are low cost easy to get, easy to use products. It is one of the inventions that are truly beneficial for us and you can easily spare 5 minutes from our hectic lives to spend on exercise and adapt to a healthier life style.

Foam rolling exercise is one of the best ways to improve your posture, increase your agility, lose stubborn body fat, enhance your overall performance and have a strong healthy back bone, thus living a healthy and better life. After all back bone is the main foundation of your body.


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